25 June - 17:00 until 18:00
Venue: Center for Narrative Practice, Pristina.


Sami Mustafa is an individual who has shown a keen interest in Roma fairy tales and has
worked towards creating a book of collections of folktales in different languages. He has
extensively researched and collected these stories from various sources, including Roma
communities, scholars, and archives, in order to preserve and share their cultural heritage.


The book that Sami Mustafa has created a diverse range of folktales from different regions,
languages, and time periods, reflecting the rich and varied traditions of the Roma people. By
collecting and sharing these stories, Mustafa is contributing to the preservation and promotion of
Roma culture, as well as promoting intercultural understanding and appreciation.


As part of his efforts to promote the book and raise awareness about Roma folktales, RFF
together Center for Narrative Practice have organized a reading event where children will be
performing readings of some of the stories. This is interactive event and engaging way for
children to experience the magic and wonder of these stories, as well as learn about different
cultures and traditions.


The collection was first commissioned by Manifesta14 contemporary artistic exhibition in 2022.

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